There has been a lot happening at the Valley of Peace cricket ground in the Hoon Hay Valley since the 2017/18 season finished:

  • A well has been drilled to provide the Club with a reliable water supply for irrigation. A suitable water supply was found at a depth of 60.5m. Bore diameter 150mm.

    Valley of Peace irrigation plan

    Valley of Peace irrigation plan

  • An underground irrigation system has been installed that will distribute water over the entire playing field.
  • 3-phase power has been brought onto the ground to power the submersible well pump.
  • The elm tree within the field of play (NW corner) started dropping limbs and has been removed for safety reasons.
  • Ground cultivation, sowing grass seed and levelling is currently work in progress.

The following people have been heavily involved with the ground restoration work: Ant Polson, Ron Dalley, Bob Masefield (and fellow Goat Herders), Gordon Fulton, Gil Sutherland, Geoff Olsen, Derek Banks, Jesse Tritschler, Bert McGrath (VoP neighbour), Tom Bryne and Terry O’Loughlin.

Photos of all the work that’s been done at the ground are on the Galleries page.